Friday, November 6, 2009

keeping our estrogen in check.

being a twenty something year old female in this world, being amongst my same sex peers, i am noticing a conversation trend that i have to say irks me quite a bit. we women can not stop berating ourselves! every thread of communication between us is lined with this theme of self-deprecation. it's got to stop!

i'm not going to lie, i am somewhat guilty of this as well. if asked, i'm sure i could write a long list of physical traits i would love to improve. everyone has improvements to make and the day we choose to finally follow through and make those improvements for OURSELVES and no one else, is a day we should be proud of. i have always preached constant self evaluation and perpetual work to be the best version of yourself you can be. what we ladies have to realize, however, is that in our twenties, this is as good as it will get!

don't let that discourage you. as previously stated, you CAN improve. it may be a challenge to lose that extra tummy fat or tone up that hiney, but you CAN do it! the point i make is, this is your prime! you will one day look back at what you look like today and think "damn. i really wasn't that bad." you will ignore the tummy and the hiney and whatever else you nit pick about now, and realize that you were in fact a beautiful girl. it's time you own that.

there's a saying.."youth is wasted on the young" and it's true. there's another, "hindsight is twenty twenty" ...i think you get what i mean. if you're truly going to buckle down and work out all of those little problem areas you magnify now, by all means, do it. but let's not sit around complaining about it anymore, okay girls? let's embrace our youth and enjoy it while have it. let it not be wasted on us, "the young".
