Tuesday, September 22, 2009

ain't no sunshine when she's gone.

i have been known to forgo what others see as the inevitable awkward when first making introductions. and i see this virtual blog as no different from true tangible situations. life is short and most need to learn how to trim out the fluff. fluff being “i am madeline gilbert” [mad-eh-lin gill-bear] and “thank you for visiting my blog” ..which perhaps i have just said so you’ve got me there, but nevertheless, my introduction is complete.

let’s learn something from bill withers. let’s cut out the fluff and more importantly the animosity from this extremely fly by existence we are all given, and bask in the sunshine while this nameless “she” is still around, shall we?

because whomever your “she” is, whether it is indeed a female you are treasuring, a good meal, a career, or a sacred song serendipitously playing from your car speakers while you are sitting alone in traffic, these sunshine moments are fleeting and they are perhaps the one thing we should compile/reflect upon at the end of our days.

i am saying nothing you have never heard before. my thoughts are completely unoriginal, and this message has been delivered ad nauseam through the years. your grandparents have said it, your parents, your spiritual leaders, and even ferris bueller.* and yet, sadly, no one’s warnings are heeded, and in this over communicative world, people seem to only share the bad. my facebook homepage sea of statuses has slowly turned to a platform for complaints, which pile up more quickly than my junk mail. literally millions of people at a time are logging in to update the world on how much more unfortunate their circumstances have become since the last unfortunate circumstance they have shared.

it is time to see the sunshine while “she” is there, cling to it with everything you have, and spread it like wild fire.



*”life moves pretty fast. if you don’t stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it.”